Why I do low volume for a great physique
Building a great body is quiet simple. It really comes down to four things. Getting stronger ( ie. inducing progressive overload), getting lean, consistency and diet. I did not put these in order of importance but when you have all of these dialed in you WILL build a great physique. Doing low volume allows for less hunger. Eventually allowing you to get leaner, the more you train the more your appitite will spike; at least that's my own anecdotal experience. Having a routine that doesn't tax you very much physically or mentally will allow you to recover from your workouts and come back better. It should be quiet obvious but when you are at a very low body-fat everything pops. Your physique looks chiseled and its safe to say this is the most hard part to achieve for alot of people. I have tried many diets in my life as well as many religions, but I always end up going back to a few key principals when I want to get in really sharp conditioning. These are: usage of caffeine, medium to high-protein intake, tracking my food using a scale. Finally inttermittent fasting; when I use these methods all together, they create a synergistic storm of success. PS; I also do extended fasts before holidays and stuff to lose weight and balance out what I might have gone over with. The most important tip I can give though would to be tracking your calories. This is where most people mess-up. They overeat while underestimating how much they are really eating. Back to the topic of this article; lifting heavy more importantly powerbuilding will make you lesss hungry while seeing the same out of gains. All you need to do to build muscle is accomplish pogressive overload.
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